Typhoon Bopha (local name Pablo)

Typhoon Bopha (locally known as Pablo) hit eastern Mindanao in December 2012 and affected 1.8M persons in all six regions in Mindanao. Six days after the typhoon struck, UNHCR with cluster partners have conducted rapid assessment and provided immediate core relief items to severely affected areas. For three months, the cluster was able to serve the most vulnerable displaced population especially those indigenous people residing in very remote and at the same time conflict-affected areas. The cluster was able to maximize information management to strengthen its advocacy efforts particularly in ensuring that protection of displaced population is always taken into consideration in all humanitarian efforts. Along with the DSWD, the cluster coordinated with the Philippine Commission on Human Rights to sustain the efforts of the cluster.

Solar Lantern Snapshot
Solar Lantern Snapshot
Municipality Protection Profiles
Municipality Protection Profiles
Protection Advisory No. 3
Protection Advisory No. 3