15th Mindanao Virtual Protection Coordination Platform (MVPCP)
Cover Message
There are 90,478 individuals currently displaced in BARMM, with majority of the displaced persons belonging in Lanao del Sur comprising 87% of the total number. Armed encounters between the government and hostile groups, clan feud and flooding account for recent and protracted displacements during the reporting period.
For non-BARMM areas, 187,432 individuals remain displaced. This a nominal decrease from the recorded 187,916 displaced persons in the last reporting period. The majority number of displacements comes from Region XI, which embraces 62% of the total figure reported.
MSSD BARMM presented the status overview of flashflood in Maguindanao. The province of Maguindanao have been experiencing isolated rain showers due to localized thunderstorm since the start of the month of October, given its geographical landscape as the catch basin for the downpour of upstream water resulting to flooding incidences in the province. As water subsided, the number of flood-affected municipalities and affected families decreased – there was a decrease from 20 municipalities to eight municipalities and from 69,316 flood affected families to 12, 643 affected families (63,215 individuals). Disaster response, humanitarian responses and common needs and gaps were also reported. MSSD Maguindanao is encouraging the Protection partners to provide NFIs, WASH facilities and family food packs to both newly and protractedly displaced families.
For Protection updates on the island provinces, there is a gradual return of displaced families in Mohammad Ajul Municipality caused by family feud, and in Sumisip Municipality caused by conflict between AFP and ASG, all in Basilan Province. For Sulu Province, there are no new reported displacements.About 109 families were able to return to their places of origin on 12 November 2020. Any assistance to these returning families are appreciated. For Tawi-Tawi Province, there are no new displacement incidences and all reported displaced families in Bonggao Municipality have returned to their places of origin. Similar to Tawi-Tawi, there are no new displacement recorded in Lanao del Sur. During the weekend, however, families residing in Lanao del Sur felt anxiety due to the circulation of information that the AFP is in full alert following the presence of alleged ISIS groups.
DSWD Regional Offices are continuously monitoring the number of displaced families temporarily seeking shelter in camps and evacuation centers (ECs) and their urgent needs. In Palimbang, IDPs have returned to their places of origin. Although there were affected families by the recent typhoon, no displacement occurred in the municipality. In Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay, there are no new reported displacement. In Zamboanga City, as part of the Z3R, there is ongoing implementation/construction of boardwalk. With regard to the onboard sewer project in Z3R, the same remains suspended due to COVID-19 pandemic. For more information on displacement and humanitarian responses, please see the 15th MVPCP PowerPoint presentation.
UNHCR Philippines is working closely with key government agencies and protection partners in providing response activities and services to the families forcibly displaced, ensuring that protection is at the center of all humanitarian responses. UNHCR remains steadfast in staying and delivering, especially in these challenging times.