9th Mindanao Virtual Protection Coordination Platform (MVPCP)
On the occasion of World Humanitarian Day, we pay tribute to all humanitarian actors who have dedicated their lives to serve the most vulnerable and the underprivileged. They have demonstrated a depth of commitment albeit the risks to security, life and health in order to support people in need. They have been in the line of duty to protect and serve displaced people even in very challenging situations and environments, ensuring that no one is left behind.
Despite the celebration of World Humanitarian Day, displacement is still happening in the country, particularly in Mindanao. As of reporting, 97,770 individuals remain displaced in BARMM areas, while 246,527 persons are displaced outside of BARMM. For BARMM, Lanao del Sur has the highest displacement for the past months (79%), and Region XI has the highest displacement numbers, comprising 44% of the total number of displacements in non-BARMM areas. Majority of the displacement accounts for the armed conflict and family feud recurring in South Cotabato and in BaSulTa povinces.
The Ministry of Social Services and Development (MSSD) BARMM, Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Regional Offices in Mindanao, UNHCR and Protection partners provided key protection and disaster response updates. The Commission on Human Rights Regional Offices in Mindanao also shared updates on the movement and status of the IDPs in their respective jurisdictions.
Rising cases of COVID-19 positive patients in Marawi City due to the lockdown of some barangays resulted to the deferment of some activities, such as the eventual transfer of IDPs to the additional shelters provided by Task Force Bangon Marawi. In addition, recurring issues on health, safety, security, camp coordination and camp management and livelihood remain as pressing concerns in transitory sites. Continuous monitoring, diversion programs for distressed families and supplemental feeding for children are conducted by the local government as initial responses to these identified needs.
For human rights concerns, there is a need to strengthen monitoring and verification of human rights violations to CHR. With the assistance of the humanitarian actors on providing support, coordination and referral of cases to CHR, said human rights violations can be easily addressed, even if these are beyond the mandates of agencies. CHR shall provide briefer/information on how to report human rights violations and provide contact details of regional offices and provide protocols on referring human rights-related issues. For more information, please see the 9th MVPCP Powerpoint presentation.
UNHCR Philippines is working closely with key government agencies and humanitarian actors in providing response activities and services to the families forcibly displaced, ensuring that protection is at the center of all humanitarian responses. UNHCR remains steadfast in staying and delivering, especially in these challenging times.
Download the 9th MVPCP Presentation here: