8th Mindanao Virtual Protection Coordination Platform (MVPCP) Meeting
Cover Message
There are 99,333 individuals currently displaced in BARMM, with majority of the displaced persons belonging to Lanao del Sur comprising 79% of the total number. Clan feud and armed conflict are the primary reasons for recent and protracted displacement, owing to the armed clashes between families and government forces and lawless elements.
For non-BARMM areas, 258,469 remain displaced. The majority number of displacements comes from Region XI, which embraces 44% of the total figure reported. Persistent armed encounters and warring families remain as principal causes of displacement despite efforts of the local government to contain and arrest the tensions in the locality.
The Ministry of Social Services and Development (MSSD) BARMM, Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Regional Offices in Mindanao, UNHCR and Protection partners provided key protection and disaster response updates during the 8th MVPCP Meeting. Additional updates on Marawi Compensation Bill and human rights concerns were also shared in the said meeting.
MSSD Maguindanao presented the over-all picture on the status of disasters occurred in Maguindanao, highlighting that man-made disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic place the IDPs in worsened and more vulnerable conditions. As a response, MSSD provided food packs, core relief items and financial assistance to various IDP communities. It also conducted psychosocial activities for children and provided assistance to victims of grave child rights violation in the community.
UNHCR is continuously providing support to the Land Dispute Resolution Committee convened by Task Force Bangon Marawi. It is also monitoring the developments on Marawi Compensation Bill. As per reporting, said bill is pending in the Committee on Disaster Management, a standing committee of the House of Representatives.
DSWD Regional Offices are continuously monitoring the number of existing camps and the number of displaced families temporarily seeking shelter in camps and evacuation centers (ECs). Emergency shelter assistance are given to earthquake victims and technical assistance is provided to LGUs and MAT. Two (2) additional ECs were also inaugurated to house families forcibly displaced. For more information, please see the 8th MVPCP Powerpoint presentation.
UNHCR Philippines is working closely with key government agencies and humanitarian actors in providing response activities and services to the families forcibly displaced, ensuring that protection is at the center of all humanitarian responses. UNHCR remains steadfast in staying and delivering, especially in these challenging times.