Ampatuan is frequently affected by conflict between the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). In February, a number of IDPs has been displaced due to the pursuit operation of the military against the non-state armed group in the remote areas of the Ampatuan Municipality, affecting barangay Saniag and Salman. On 2 March 2020, over 200 families from Sitio Ugapok, Barangay Salman, were forced to flee their homes due to firefights between the warring parties. On 17 March 2020, the displaced families were advised by the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Officer (MDRRMO) to return to their respective residences, particularly those IDPs who have occupied a private property known as AMARDI compound. Despite this advice, the IDPs opted to stay because of the alleged presence of unidentified armed men and uncertainties on the security situation in their places of origin. There were reported cases of looting and strafing incidences committed by an unidentified group against civilians.
Majority of the displaced families have already returned home but some families still cannot access their farmland due to insecurities. In Barangay Saniag, there are 38 families (190 individuals) who are still displaced, some of whom are currently staying with relatives and some have built makeshift shelters. In Barangay Salman, there are 282 families (1,410 individuals) who also remained with their relatives and in their makeshift shelters, while others have occupied AMARDI compound. For more information on the protection assessment report, please refer to the attached IDPPAR.