5th Mindanao Virtual Protection Coordination Platform (MVPCP) Meeting
Cover Message
UNHCR conveys its heartfelt gratitude to all Protection partners and key government agencies on their active participation in the 5th Mindanao Virtual Protection Coordination Platform (MVPCP) virtual meeting held last 23 June 2020. Since the commencement of the virtual meeting, several commitments and undertakings were forged, and coordination and response activities were successfully conducted as a result of the unremitting support and engagement of all humanitarian actors in advocating and responding to the ongoing needs and concerns of the internally displaced individuals and families across Mindanao.
93,635 individuals remain displaced in BARMM as of 18 June 2020, while 275,836 IDPs are displaced outside BARMM. Recently, 220 families from an indigenous community in South Upi, Maguindanao Province were forcibly displaced due to an armed encounter, the latest in a string of attacks on the community and nearby villages, following two (2) previous related incidents in May. The IP community is afraid of retaliatory attacks and temporarily staying in a public gymnasium and warehouse.
The ongoing tensions between the military and lawless elements exacerbate the vulnerability of affected populations. Families are repeatedly displaced due to absence of genuine and durable solutions on the root causes of armed conflicts. Basic services become inaccessible due to safety, health and security concerns. Access to food aid, livelihood and water remain as ongoing concerns. IDPs are living in overcrowded areas and social distancing are impossible to implement in such conditions despite the continuous rise of COVID-19 cases in the region. . For more information about the displacement snapshot, identified needs, responses and gaps and the humanitarian activities conducted by the Protection partners and key government agencies, kindly refer to the 5th MVPCP Powerpoint presentation.
Ministry of Social Services and Development (MSSD) BARMM emphasized the need for stronger coordination among humanitarian actors, requesting for the development partners to work closely with MSSD in order to ensure that the interventions are timely and to prevent duplication of activities to be conducted by the Protection actors. As a response to this call, UNHCR proposed to have a joint assessment with all key government agencies and Protection actors, under the leadership of MSSD BARMM and the Local Government, in order to come up with a unified plan and coordination in responding to the identified needs of IDPs.
UNHCR Philippines is working closely with the government and other partners in its provision to IDPs of their much-needed assistance and services. Committed to stay and deliver, UNCHR ensures that protection remains at the center of humanitarian responses, amid the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic.